Weekly Updates

Attendance: Contact by 9:30am

Absentee Hotline: 610-351-5900 Extension 26711

Absentee Email: PMATTENDANCE@parklandsd.org

Day Number

Day 3

Lunch & Breakfast Menus

Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals

MySchoolBucks (online payments)

Food Services Dept. (610.351.5670)

Vacation Permit

Birthday Bag Order Form

Volunteer Clearance Instructions

Home Access Center (HAC) 

PSD Online Calendar 

PSD Transportation Dept (610.351.5690)

Community & Recreational Events

Student and Family Support


Parkland School District uses School Messenger, a rapid notification system, that allows for automated calls and emails to phone number(s) and email addresses the parent or guardian has provided to the District. This system will be used in the event of an emergency and to share important information.

To receive text messages, please do both of the following steps:

  1. Contact our main office to make the request, by phone call or email. Maximum 2 text numbers per student.
  2. Opt-in by texting the word “yes” to 67587 from each phone number specified.


Important dates to remember:

12/17 - 5th Grade Band, Strings & Chorus Winter Concert at 7:00 pm

12/23 - 1/3  School Closed, Winter Holiday


Message from the Principal:

School begins at 8:50 am, if you are dropping your child off for school in the morning and they are not in the building at this time, they must be signed in by a parent/guardian, otherwise, they will be marked absent. Please know that bus transportation is provided for every student in the district.


Notes from the Nurse:

* Please note that students will continue to go outside for recess as long as the real feel temperature is 20 degrees. Students should come prepared with appropriate outerwear.

* Students should bring a water bottle to school every day. 


PTO News:

12/11 - PTO Meeting at 9:15 am

12/10 - Staff Holiday Luncheon Sign-Up:


Dave & Buster's Power Card Fundraiser: 50% Giveback ends Dec. 20



Important dates to remember:

11/15 - Report cards published in HAC

11/25 - 27  Early Dismissal at 11:45 AM, Parent Teacher Conferences

11/28 - 12/2  School Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday


Holiday Helpers Sign-up from Ms. McDonnell2024HolidayHelpers.pdf


Parent information:

November 25, 26, and 27, 2024 are early dismissal days for Elementary students.   Parents may order a bagged lunch for 1, 2, or all 3 days.  

Bagged lunches will consist of turkey and cheese sandwiches, fruit, vegetable, and beverage and will be charged at their normal rate to students' cafeteria accounts.    On the early dismissal day, your child's bagged lunch will be delivered to the child's classroom prior to dismissal time.

Order forms are due by noon on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.   You only need to complete a form if you are requesting a lunch.

If you have questions concerning the bagged lunches, please reach out to the food services office at 610-351-5670.




District News:

Inclement Weather information:



Please join the Parkland Community Advisory Council at their monthly meeting next Thursday, November 21st at 7 PM. This meeting will take place at the Parkland Administration Center and the topic is "College and Career" presented by Ms. Allie McPeek. For more information about the Parkland CAC, please visit https://www.parklandsd.org/community/community-advisory-council.


PTO Information:





Important dates to remember:

11/7 - Picture Retakes 

11/13 -  WorldKindnessDay.pdf

11/13 - PTO Meeting at 9:00 AM

11/15 - Report Cards Published in HAC

11/25 - 11/27  Early Dismissal at 11:45 for Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent information:

November 25, 26, and 27, 2024 are early dismissal days for Elementary students.   Parents may order a bagged lunch for 1, 2, or all 3 days.  

Bagged lunches will consist of turkey and cheese sandwiches, fruit, vegetable, and beverage and will be charged at their normal rate to students' cafeteria accounts.    On the early dismissal day, your child's bagged lunch will be delivered to the child's classroom prior to dismissal time.

Order forms are due by noon on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.   You only need to complete a form if you are requesting a lunch.

If you have questions concerning the bagged lunches, please reach out to the food services office at 610-351-5670.

