Principal's Page
Welcome to Parkway Manor Elementary School!
The mission of Parkway Manor Elementary School is to ensure that every student can thrive in a changing world by creating effective learning environments in collaboration with dedicated staff, involved parents and a supportive community. To ensure that this vision is accomplished, the Parkway Manor family – students, teachers, parents, support staff and administration – have targeted efforts in the areas of academics, technology, the arts, and encore classes. The Parkway Manor teaching staff places its highest priority upon the delivery of academics to all students.
At Parkway Manor Elementary School we believe in continually modeling good character traits and setting high expectations, academically and socially, while promoting strong character-building skills throughout the day, every day. Many times we feel like we spend our days providing consequences for negative behavior and not enough time recognizing the positive behaviors our students already exhibit. In an effort to provide more reward and incentive for our students to behave in positive ways we have developed a new School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) plan called Panther Pride. Our program challenges the children to think about, model and act in a Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Kind manner. The idea behind this plan is that the more frequently we can reinforce the positive behaviors students exhibit, the more likely they will be to exhibit them. If we can catch our students doing the things we want and reward or recognize them for it, they will continue to show these behaviors.
I am grateful for this opportunity to lead Parkway Manor Elementary School and make a difference in students’ lives. For this, I thank you, and look forward to working with you.
Mr. Scott Bartman, Principal
Scott Bartman